Showing posts with label Scala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scala. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

10 reasons for considering the Scala programming language

Scala programming language has been around for a few years now and its popularity is increasing. Having programmed in Java for many years, I was initially skeptical whether we needed another programming language on the JVM. But after trying out Scala and reading about the language, I have had a change in heart. Whether your background is Java, C/C++, Ruby, python, C# or any other language, Scala has some very useful features that will force you to consider it, if you were looking for a programming language. This blog just lists the useful features. Programming examples will follow in subsequent blogs.

1. Objected oriented programming language (OOP)

Scala is a object oriented programming language. The benefits of OOP are well documented. A majority of programs today are written in some OO language. If you come from JAVA, C++, C# background, then you already know the benefits. If you are currently using a language that is not OO, then this might be one of the reasons for you to consider Scala. In Scala everything is an Object, unlike JAVA where primitives are not objects and the use of static methods lets you bypass the OO paradigm. OO programming enables you to write programs that have a structure that models that problem domain that the program is written for. This helps produce programs that are easier to read and maintain.

2. Functional programming

In contrast to OO programming, functional programming encourages the use of functions to do some work without changes in state or changes to the data it works on. Data is immutable. Functions take data as input and may produce new data as output. Additionally, a function is a type just like an Integer, String or any class. The advantage of functional programming is that there are no side effects - a function takes input and produces output , that is all. This make it easy to write error free programs that can scale or can be executed in parallel. Scala has very good support functional for programming. 

3. Static Types

In statically typed languages like C++, Java and Scala, every variable has a type and the type
determines what the program can do with the variable. If you try to multiply 2 Strings, the compilation process will flag that as error. Statically typed language protect the programmer
by detecting errors and from shooting himself in the foot. If you think strong typing is annoying and leads to verbose code, then you will be pleased to know that unlike Java, Scala supports type inference ( ability to detect type ) which reduces verbosity.

4. Brevity

Scala has features that enable the programmer to write compact code as opposed to verbose code. Less code mean fewer bugs and less time spent on maintenance.

public class Person {
  private String fname ;
  private String lname ;

  public Person(String first, String last) {
      fname = first ;
      lname = last ;


In Scala the same class is written as

class Person(fname: String,lname: String) 

Scala supports type inference that helps avoid verbose code.  

// Java String is in the statement twice
public String[] stringarray = new String[5] ;

// Scala type is infered as Array of Strings
val stringarray = new Array[String](5)

5. JVM language

Scala is compiled to bytecode that runs on the Java virtual machine. Since the JVM is available on every platform, your scala code will run on windows , linux , mac os and any other platform for which a JVM is available.

Another advantage is the integration with Java. Java has a very rich class library. There are several open source projects that provide additional libraries for very useful functions. Java code can be called from Scala programs very easily, which means all those function rich libraries are available for your use in Scala.

val calendar = new java.util.GregorianCalendar()

will print todays date in format YYMMDD.

6.  Better support for concurrency

To write concurrent programs in JAVA, you had to deal with threads, the java memory model, locking ,  synchronization, deadlocks etc. Writing error free concurrent programs was difficult. Scala has a actor based programming model that shields the programmer from the issues you face in Java , C/C++. To write concurrent programs , you implement actors that send, receive and handle messages. The Actor model lets the programmer avoid sharing data between threads and the issues related to locking shared data.

7. Scalable programs

By avoiding locking in concurrent programs, Scala is able to exploit the parallelism in way that Java cannot. In Java, a recommended best practice for writing scalable code was to use immutable objects. With the Actor model is Scala, you use immutable objects as messages and have unsynchronized methods. Immutable object are also at the heart of functional programming (2) which Scala promotes.

How many times have we heard of a Ruby or Python application that has be rewritten in Java or C++ because it cannot scale to the increased demands of users ? With Scala, this will not be an issue.

8. Fast

Studies have shown that Scala is at least as fast as Java.

9. General purpose/multi-purpose

The brevity and compactness of Scale ensures that it can be used for scripting or rapid application development a la Ruby or Python. But the fact that it runs on JVM and its scalability features ensure that it can be used for complex applications.

10. It is getting more popular

This is a more non technical reason. Scala is getting more popular. More startups are moving to Scala. Many are skipping Java and going directly to Scala. If you are a Java programmer, learning Scala makes you more marketable. Even if you are not a Java programmer, learning Scala will open up a number of opportunities in the programming world.