In this blog, let us take a quick look at some architectural details of HBase.
For an introduction to NoSql and HBase, read the following blogs.
What is NoSql ?
Using HBase
Internally HBase is a a sparse, distributed, persistent, multidimensional sorted Map. While that sentence seems complicated, reading each word individually gives clarity.
sparse - some cells can be empty
distributed - data is partitioned across many hosts
persistent - stored to disk
multidimensional - more than 1 dimension (key,value,version)
Map - key and value
sorted - maps are generally not sorted but this one is
HBase uses HDFS to store the data.
An HBase table has rows and columns. Columns are grouped into column families. There is a version for each value. So table,row key, column family, column name, version are used to get to a value. Both row keys and values are byte[]s.
Table is sorted by row key, Within a column family, the columns are sorted. Storage is per column family. So logically related columns should be in a column family.
A Table is made of regions. A region has a subset of the rows in a table. A region can be described using tablename, start key, end key. A region is made up of one or more HDFS files.
The regions are managed by servers known as the region servers. There is a master server that assigns regions to region servers.
HBase has 2 catalog tables -ROOT- and .META. .META has information on all regions in the system. -ROOT- has information on .META. When a client wants to access data, these 2 tables are consulted to determine which region server has the region that should be used for this request. The client issues read/write requests to the region server directly.
HBase uses zookeeper to maintain cluster state. A simple diagram below shows the components of an HBase cluster.
Logical view of a table:
The table is figure 2 has 2 column families: cf1 with columns colA and ColB, cf2 with columns ColC
Logical view of RegionServer:
The rows of a table are in a Region. Region is the unit of allocation and is identified by a start key and end key. The regions are distributed across the region servers in the cluster.
Physical view of Region Server:
Each Region has one of more stores. Each Store is per column family. The memStore is where changes are stored in memory before writing to disk. The file store is the persistent store and is a file written to HDFS. The Hfile is described in the blog HFile.
Each RegionServer has a write ahead log (WAL) . Writes are first written to the WAL. If the region server crashed before memory is flushed to disk, the WAL is used to recover. This implies data is stored in memory and flushed to disk periodically. Changes are sorted while in memory.
Reads look for data in memStore first and then go to disk if necessary. Data is flushed to disk in 64 Mb chunks. This size is configurable. HFiles are merged to larger files. Sorting in memory and merging files makes it like a mergeSort.
For delete, the row is marked as deleted ( as opposed to physically removing it).
HBase provides ACID semantics at a row level. HBase does multi version concurrent updates, which means updates happen by creating a new version as opposed to overwriting existing row. Writers need to acquire a lock to write. Readers do not acquire a lock.To ensure consistent reads without locking, HBase assigns a write number to each write. The read returns data from the highest write number that is durable. Locks stored in memory in the region server. This is sufficient because all values for a row are in one region server. Transactions are committed in a serial order.
Sharding is automatic. Regions split when files reach a certain size.
Compaction step which run in background combines files, removes deleted data.
This concludes the introduction to HBase architecture.