Saturday, March 1, 2025

Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) in databases


Multi version concurrency control (MVCC) is a popular optimistic technique used in modern databases for concurrency control.

MVCC does not use locking. In that regard it is an optimistic technique but distinct from what is know as the optimistic concurrency control (OCC).

MVCC is timestamp based.

MVCC does its concurrency control by keeping multiple copies or versions of each data item. Every transaction sees data only of a specific version , also known as snapshot. Changes made by a transaction will not be seen by others, until the changes are committed.



Versioning tuples is at the core of how MVCC does its concurrency control.

Consider the table 

id, balance

A, 500

B, 1000

Now logically assume that under the hood, the database adds 2 hidden columns - start time (st) and end time (et)

id, balance, st. , et

A, 500 , 1 , -

B, 1000, 2, -

Let us assume that increasing numbers 1,2 ..... represent time and a - implies infinity or no end time. The version number can be a timestamp or something analogous to a timestamp.

In the above example, we are saying that the first tuple (A, 500) is valid from time 1 to infinity. The second tuple (B, 1000) is valid from 2 to infinity.

With versioning, when a tuple is updated, the original one is unchanged. Instead a new row is added.

Let us say at time 3, A is updated to 550. Logically the table would look like

A, 500 , 1 , 3

A, 550 , 3 , -

B, 1000, 2, -

The latest committed version has an end time of infinity. When a new update for a tuple is committed, the end timestamp of the previous latest is changed to the start timestamp of the new latest.

A transaction reads the latest committed version at the time it starts. A transaction that starts at time 2 and reads A will read 500. But a transaction that starts at 4 and reads A will read 550.

Snapshot isolation

Every transaction only reads committed values at the time it starts. It is a snapshot of the database at that time. This referred to as Snapshot isolation.

However it will read any changes that it makes within the scope of its transaction.

Use cases

It is easier to understand MVCC with some examples,

Lost update problem

Let us start with the same table again.

id, balance, st. , et

A, 500 , 1 , -

At time 2, transaction T1 reads A. The latest version with timestamp (1, -) has value 500. It reads 500.

At time 3, transaction T2 reads the same row. The latest version is still (1, -) . It too reads 500.

At time 3, transaction T2 updates the value to 550 and commits. We now have an addition version

A, 500 , 1 , 3
A, 550, 3 , - 

At time 5, T1 updates the value to 600. 
At time 6, T1 tries to commit. 

T1s commit is disallowed and it is forced to abort. 
The reason is that T1's snapshot is of time 1. After T1 started, another transaction came along , performed a WRITE on the same record and committed. If we allowed T1 to also commit, it would overwrite T2's update. This is the lost update problem.

The rule we can deduce here is : The write set of the committing transaction T1 should not intersect with the write set of any transactions that committed after T1 started and before T1 commits.

Write Skew

Let us start this time with the table having 2 tuples.

id, balance, st. , et

A, 500 , 1 , -

B, 1000, 2, -

At time 1, transaction T1 reads A. The latest version with timestamp (1, -) has value 500. It reads 500.
At time 3 , transaction T1 writes A to 600. But it is still uncommitted.

A, 500 , 1 , -, 

A, 600 , 3 , - , uncommitted

B, 1000, 2, -

At time 4, transaction T2 reads A. The latest committed record is still at timestamp 1. It will read 500 ( not 600 ).

At time 5, T1 commits. The write set to T1 does not intersect with the write set of any other transaction. So it allowed to commit. So we have

A, 500 , 1 , 5, 

A, 600 , 5 , - , 

B, 1000, 2, -, 

At time 6, T2 updates B to 1200

B, 1200, 6, -, uncommitted

At time 7, T2 tries to commit. It is disallowed and T2 is forced to abort. The reason is that T2 read A which was committed after T2 started. Even though T2 does not update A. It might be using A (that is read earlier) to update say B and that update could be incorrect.This is the write skew problem.

We can thus deduce rule 2: The read set of a committing transaction T should not intersect with the write set of any transaction that has committed after T started.

Phantom reads

Let us look at a case where a new record is insert into the table.

id, balance, st. , et

A, 500 , 1 , -

B, 1000, 2, -

At time 3 , transaction T1 runs the query "select sum(balance) from table where balance >=500 ". It gets a result 1500.

At time 4, transaction T2 inserts a new row, (C, 600) and commits

id, balance, st. , et

A, 500 , 1 , -

B, 1000, 2, -

C, 600, 4 , -

At time 5, transaction T1  inserts the 1500 value it read into another table.

At time 6, T1 tries to commit. The transaction is not allowed to proceed and aborts.

The reason is that the 1500 value is no longer accurate. At time 4 , another transaction committed a new row and the value should be 2100. 

Rule 3 : If the committing transaction T has predicate queries  (where clause ) that depend to number of rows and affected by inserts/deletes, then just before committing the queries need to be run again. The commit is allowed only if the results are the same as before.

Obviously running the queries a second time can be expensive. But that is implementation detail and databases do various optimization.

Garbage collection

Maintaining versions for each and every record can take up a lot of disk space. Databases have background process or other method to remove old versions that have no active transaction depending on them.


Every tuple is versioned using timestamp or something analogous to it.

Every transaction only reads rows that are committed as of the start time of the transaction. This holds for the entire duration of the transaction. It cannot read any commits that happened after it starts. In other words it sees a "Snapshot" of the data, as of its start time. This is Snapshot isolation.

When a transaction tries to commit, we check if any other transaction has committed a new version for the rows that we read or write. If there are any such transactions, then we must abort.

Even if our read/write set does not intersect with any other transaction, if our read is impacted by inserts or deletes, we much abort.

To make this happen, the database needs to maintain start time, end time for every tuple. Not just the latest version, but older versions as well. 

For every tuple that is read or writen, the database needs to know which transactions are active and which committed.

Older versions need to cleaned up when there are no active transactions depending on them.

For a transaction to be allowed to commit, there rules we discussed apply:

#1 : Write set of a committing transaction T should not intersect with Write set of any committed transaction that committed after T started.

#2: The Read set of a committing transaction T should not intersect with the write set of any transaction that has committed after T started.

#3: When the committing transaction T has predicate queries (WHERE clause, depend on number of rows meeting condition ), then before committing, the queries need to be rerun to ensure that they return the same result.

Some additional rules:

#4 Write set of a committing transaction T should not intersect with Read set of any transaction that committed after T started.

#5 If a transaction T updates a row, T should use its own updated version, not the one in older snapshot it started with.

Commercial Databases supporting MVCC

Almost all the modern databases we know off support MVCC.

.... and more

Advantages of MVCC

  • Readers do not block readers. Writers do not block readers.
  • Each transaction works under a consistent snapshot of data.
  • High concurrency is possible.
  • Databases can allow querying of old versions, which are known as time travel queries.

Disadvantages of MVCC

  • Increased storage requirement because we are storing older version.
  • Need to do garbage collection.
  • When conflicts are detect and transactions aborted, applications need to retry.


MVCC is a popular concurrency control technique used in many currently popular databases like Postgresql.

It does not use two phase locking. Unlike OCC, it does not use a staging area. The staging area is built in with versioning.

Like OCC, it works best for workloads where there are few conflicts.

In conclusion, Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) offers a robust approach to handling concurrent transactions in modern databases by maintaining multiple versions of data

While it provides significant benefits such as high read throughput, reduced contention, and snapshot isolation, it also introduces complexity in garbage collection and storage management.

Modern distributed databases combine versioning with clock time to provide strict serializability even in  distributed databases without the use of locking. But that is a topic for another blog.


Prof. Jen Dittrich Youtube videos
Andy Pavlov CMU Database Youtube video
Database Internals by Alex Petrov
Database Management Systems by Ramakrishnan & Gehrke

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