Thursday, November 20, 2014

Apache Kafka Java tutorial #2

In the blog Kafka introduction, I provided an overview of the features of Apache Kafka, an internet scale messaging broker. In Kafka tutorial #1, I provide a simple java programming example for sending and receiving messages using the high level consumer API.  Kafka also provides a Simple consumer API that provides greater control to the programmer for reading messages and partitions. Simple is a misnomer and this is a complicated API. SimpleConsumer connects directly to the leader of a partition and is able to fetch messages from an offset. Knowing the leader for a partition is a preliminary step for this. And if the leader goes down, you can recover and connect to the new leader.

In the tutorial, we will use the "Simple" API to find the lead broker for a topic partition.

To recap some Kafka concepts
  • Broker in Kafka is a cluster of brokers
  • Messages are sent to and received from topics
  • Topics are partitioned across brokers
  • For each partition there is 1 leader broker and 1 or more replicas
  • Ordering of messages is maintained only within a partition
To manage read positions within a topic, it has to be done at partition level and You need to know the leader for that partition.

For this tutorial you will need

(1) Apache Kafka 0.8.1
(2) Apache Zookeeper
(3) JDK 7 or higher. An IDE of your choice is optional
(4) Apache Maven
(5) Source code for this sample from if you want to look at working code

In this tutorial, we will
(1) create a 3 node kafka cluster
(2) create a topic with 12  partitions
(3) Write code to determine the leader of the partition
(4) Run the code to determine the leaders of each partition.
(5) Kill one broker and run again to determine the new leaders

Note that Kafka-topics --describe command lets you do the same. But we are doing it programatically for the sake of learning and because it is useful is some usecases.

Step 1 : Create a cluster

Follow the instruction is tutorial 1 to create a 3 node cluster.

Step 2 : Create a topic with 12 partitions

/usr/local/kafka/bin$ --create --zookeeper host1:2181 --replication-factor 2 --partitions 12 --topic mjtopic

Step 3 : Write code to determine the leader for each partition

We use the SimpleConsumer API.

import kafka.javaapi.PartitionMetadata;
import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadata;
import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadataRequest;
import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer;

SimpleConsumer consumer = new SimpleConsumer("localhost", 9092, 
        100000, 64 * 1024,  "leaderLookup");
List topics = Collections.singletonList("mjtopic");
TopicMetadataRequest req = new TopicMetadataRequest(topics);
kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadataResponse resp = consumer.send(req);

List metaData = resp.topicsMetadata();
int[] leaders = new int[12] ;

 for (TopicMetadata item : metaData) {
      for (PartitionMetadata part : item.partitionsMetadata()) {
          leaders[part.partitionId()] = part.leader().id() ;
for (int j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j++) {
      System.out.println("Leader for partition " + j + " " + leaders[j]) ;


SimpleConsumer can connect to any broker that is online. We construct a TopicMetadataRequest with the topic we are interested in and send it to broker with the consumer.send call. A TopicMetaData is returned which contains a set of PartitionMetaData ( one for each partition ). Each PartitionMetaData has the leader and replicas for that partition.

Step 4 : Run the code 

Leader for partition 0 1
Leader for partition 1 2
Leader for partition 2 3
Leader for partition 3 1
Leader for partition 4 2
Leader for partition 5 3
Leader for partition 6 1
Leader for partition 7 2
Leader for partition 8 3
Leader for partition 9 1
Leader for partition 10 2
Leader for partition 11 3

Step 5 : Kill node 3 and run the code again

Leader for partition 0 1
Leader for partition 1 2
Leader for partition 2 1
Leader for partition 3 1
Leader for partition 4 2
Leader for partition 5 1
Leader for partition 6 1
Leader for partition 7 2
Leader for partition 8 1
Leader for partition 9 1
Leader for partition 10 2
Leader for partition 11 1

You can see the broker 1 has assumed leadership for broker 3's partitions.

In summary, one of the things you can use the SimpleConsumer API is to examine topic partition metadata. We will use this code in future tutorials to determine the leader of a partition.

Related blogs:

Apache Kafka Introduction
Apache Kafka JAVA tutorial #1
Apache Kafka JAVA tutorial #3 
Apache Kafka 0.8.2 New Producer API 

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