Sunday, February 19, 2012

Java Generics #2 : what is "? super T" ?

Consider the merge method below that copies all elements from List source to List target.
public static <T> void merge(List<? super T> target, List<? extends T> source)
The <T> following static declares T as a new type variable for this method. We discussed "? extends T" in the blog Java Generics #1. Here, let us examine "? super T". One can guess that it is a wildcard that means any types, that are a superclass of T. If T is Integer, then List<? super T> could be List<Integer>, List<Number> or List<Object>. The code below shows the use of the merge method. In line 6, T is Integer and "? super T" is Number. In line 10, T is Number and "? super T" is Object.
1 List<Integer> aInts = new ArrayList<Integer>() ;
2 aInts.add(5) ;
3 aInts.add(7) ;
4 List<Number> aNums = new ArrayList<Number>() ;
5 aNums.add(12.5) ;
6 MCollections.<Integer>merge(aNums,aInts) ; // works
7 System.out.println(aNums.toString()) ; // aNums has 5,7,12.5
8 List<Object> aObjs = new ArrayList<Object>() ;
9 aObjs.add("hello") ;
10 MCollections.<Number>merge(aObjs,aNums) ; // works as well
11 System.out.println(aObjs.toString()) ; // aObjs has hello,5,7,12.5
We discussed in the last blog that if you have a Collection<? extends T> you can get values out of it, but you cannot put stuff into it. So what can you do with Collection<? super T> ?

In our merge example above, List<? super T> is the target, which means the implementation is putting/setting elements into it. "? super T" means any supertype of T. Logically it makes sense that you can put any supertype into the List.

The implementation of merge could be
1 public class MCollections {
2 public static <T> void merge(List<? super T> target, 
3                                List<? extends T> source) {
4   for(int i = 0 ; i < source.size(); i++) {
5     T e = source.get(i) ;
6     target.add(e) ;
7   }
8 }
9 } 
But if you were to do a get, what would be the returned type ?. There would be no way to know. Hence it is not allowed as shown in line 4 of the code below.
1 List<? super Integer> aNums = new ArrayList<Number>() ;
2 aNums.add(11) ;
3 aNums.add(12) ;   
4 Number n = aNums.get(0) ; // Compilation Error - not allowed 
5 Object o = aNums.get(0) ; // allowed -- No compile error 
The exception to the rule is getting an Object, which is allowed because since Object is a supertype of every other java type.

In summary, you can enable subtyping using "? super T" when you need to put objects into the collection. ( But you can get them out only as Object). You can enable subtyping using ? extends T when you need to get objects out of the collection. It follows that if you need to do both get and put, then you cannot use either of these wildcard mechanisms and you need to use a explicit type.

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